Instead of the expensive, confusing, often arbitrary and always glacial process of traditional litigation, ArbItRite® provides a clear, quick answer to your dispute. YOU decide how long it will take, and whether the decision is binding or just advisory. Your written decision will be prepared by attorneys with experience relevant to your dispute, and a built-in review by one of our distinguished former judges ensures both the satisfaction of justice and the peace of resolution.
Family Owned Business Disputes
The most intractable, frustrating, and counter-productive disputes arise in family owned businesses. The only real resolution is one that brings finality to the dispute from an unbiased, independent expert with no axe to grind, and no financial incentive in protracting the process of resolution. The parties know the issues, they do not need discovery, motion practice, or teams of lawyers; and they know that disregarding the problem will only make matters worse. ArbItRite® Justice on demand.
Neighborhood and Real Estate Disputes
There is nothing worse than living with a dispute, every day - unless that dispute threatens the value of your home, or your prospects for a new start. ArbItRite's expedited on-line procedures are particularly helpful for parties engaged in disputes over real estate that could prevent the sale of a residence or business. With ArbItRite® you can have a final, binding decision in days, not years.