About ARBITRITEArbItRite is a 21st Century on-line adjudication service designed to provide individuals, and businesses with a private, on-demand alternative to litigation and arbitration.
ArbItRite will not work in every case - it requires the parties to agree that their dispute should be resolved by legal experts, on the merits, within a deadline they set. ArbItRite has a large team of experienced lawyers and retired judges who decide cases based upon redacted files, assuring anonymity, impartiality and efficiency. |
Who We AreOur Chairman, Thomas Considine is the former Commissioner of Insurance of the State of New Jersey - credited with extraordinary operational and substantive reforms that redounded to the benefit of policyholders and insurers alike. Tom's commitment to fair, unbiased, efficient dispute resolution is the foundation of ArbItRite's "Justice on Demand" philosophy. Tom continues a lifelong endeavor to bring private sector innovations and service standards to public facilities that have failed to meet the needs of its citizens. ArbItRite's mission: to bring the same level of service to the civil justice system as Fedex brought to the Postal Service.